Saturday, February 19, 2011…

Wonderful day in Beijing!

really a beautiful day, the sun is out (or in short, sort of) and walk around the campus is really nice. Last night I met a lot of new people and I'm always the only Italian and I like that, if nothing else, if I continue at this rate pass English 3. Yes, I interact in English, are still not so good with the Chinese (see the 'yet, " very optimistic). I met two Americans in the order, a Sino-Canadian, a Sino-Japanese, Sino-US 2, 3 Malays, a Swede (not the pastry cream, is a person) and two Australians. I'm quite satisfied, because Sophia (pasta with cream) has offered to accompany me Monday when I'll go do the damn card for the visa.

I set foot in many places where I used to spend my evenings in the summer, some have changed names but the substance remains the same. There are always spits out the stalls of Propaganda, and also the guy hot dogs to 10 yuan is always there. In short, everything is more or less as I had left (to the extent of course, Beijing is a city that is changing at breakneck speed).

Speaking of changes, yesterday afternoon I decided to finally come out from Wudaokou and I took the subway to Tiananmen Square. As soon as you cross the security check (yes, walking on Tiananmen Square you pass it), I immediately realize that the big screens I had seen the other side of the road are not a temporary decoration for the new year, but it seems to see them that will remain there for a while 'time. Of course, guarded by 4-5 guards who march across the whole day, these giant screens to project images there are patriotic, with music nothing short of epic, reminding me that I am in China. And China is big. And powerful. China's skyscrapers, has fields of corn, traditional dances and ceremonies. He has children, has the money, has the wisdom of the East and new technologies. I admit to having been fascinated by those movies, that China continues to amaze me every day. But it was worthwhile to place these two giants at the beginning of Tiananmen Square? I hope that take them out, but I doubt it ... You know, they are like that. And indeed are a beautiful insight into how the Chinese mind in 2011.
As I walked through the square, of course, the eyes of passers-glued on him. Round eyes and red hair, are practically an alien here. A boy a bit 'pushy you are allowed to even ask me where I am, what I'm doing a BJ, if I am here for some time. Curious dialogue which communicated with him in English rather than macaroni and I answered that in a Chinese probably just as macaroni. Interesting, anyway.

slowly beginning to engage, to understand how come you live here. I look out the window and see the skyscrapers of Wudaokou that blend into the mist. As I said before it is sunny, but within limits. At the end of this campus is inconvenient, but not bad to live in a green area so great. I look forward to spring ... Yes, it's a beautiful day today in Beijing.


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