Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bulma And Vegeta Fall In Love

... The end is coming!

Ok, I know I'm not updating so much my LJ but I don't want it to die. So...Let's say I got sucked into real life but I'm so happy, and I think that's what matters.
This 2010 is coming to the end, and I really hope that 2011 is going to be great as 2010 was.

New year's resolutions:
1. Write more on my LJ
2. Lose some kilos
3. Get angry less
4. Study more
5. Be kind
6. Stop feeling disappointed for people who don't care

That's all! :D
Thanks to everyone who was there during this year, and thanks 2010 to make me meet the love of my life :P


Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Maxine Cartoon Character Author

p0rn! icons \\ o /

1 2 3
4 5 6

Take them and make it (more or less O__O) what you want.
If you want the basics (textless) via comment or ask

mp ^ ^ Oh, btw, the images are taken from the magnificent header eryslash has done for the p0rn! fest.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How Do You Get Rid Of Acorns


Despite all the trouble and impediments, BigBang delivered.
Now I just have to wait for the postman (hopefully happen soon) (also because I do not know who the author dies * curious)

Just do the post published U_U \\ o /

Link to post @ BBI:

Direct link to fanart:

Leave a comment below or up there, or even no, as you like it: 3

I also feel compelled to also spam the two FIC [info] kuroi_nezu : Straight
Law [Detective Conan] and You Crazy Diamond [Original ]
(Which to be honest I have not yet read the final version, this makes me a bad beta?)

(In parentheses, the fact that "my" is the writer of the fic I fanmixer betato is * * aw, how small the web xD) Why

Friday, October 15, 2010

Cheap Printed Spandex Shorts

dylan_mx @ 2010-10-15T23: 45:00

to request a drabble [info] namidayume was too tempting ...

The first ten people to comment in this post get to request that i write a drabble of Any pairing / character of Their choosing. In return, They Have to post this in Their journal, regardless of Their ability level. (If you absolutely can not write, maybe find a creative alternative?)

The first ten people who comment on the post I make a request, any pairing / character and I will write a drabble (but I would be more inclined to a 'creative alternative ' __ '). In return, they must post on the meme lj / other ... well. As

fandom regards the closest thing to a list of what I follow / I have followed is in the interests of the profile. _. However, ask if in doubt, because I have not the courage to put myself to make a precise list xD

for [info] levy Dylan Dog, Groucho, 'Dali did not like to nothing '
[info] namidayume [Merlin] Morgan, empty
[info] talpy [Tales of the Abyss] Guy, new links

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Graph Rate Of Obesity In Singapore


After the first week of school \\ O / (debt I passed, however )
I started the show adorable - except that some are totally trash *___* (Although I suspect that we are serious, umh xD) including Lasko, which made me hope that the monks / friars Christian warriors become fashionable xD

AAAH ! I was going to forget! The number of 12 Graystorm ... (Oh subconscious work as fast xD) I have not read everything, sooner or later I do, eh. _. - I've read only six to seven pages in which they maintained that Jason loves Robert etc.. (Well, as if there was no need .___.) that the only thing that was worth it (though I saw a man dressed as a bird and I do not think a good thing too) and a couple of lines just to see that's what they wrote I care little or nothing.
Oh, and he called a titoletto Graystorm Evil Genius made me do a lot of laughs.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Honeywell Rth2310 Manual

[fanart] Graystorm \\ o \\

Sfiga Fandom: Graystorm [Sergio Bonelli Editore]
Characters: Jason, Robert (J / R implied)
Rating: G Timeline
: in college (vol .1/prima)
Prompt : breeze for the 333! Challenge @ [info] comics_italia
Beta (xD): [info] syd_cymbaline
Disclaimer: None of the two belong to me, we do not gain anything, etc.. SBE is all that ass!
Notes after the drawing.

(Haha, the prompt gave me the chance to vent my kink for Jason uncombed hair xD)
(E 'These two have no eyebrows human'________' )

thinks he has known to do, but obviously ... However, my gentle sister (which I have placed a little 'anatomy>>) seeing the completed design has kindly confessed that he had not looked at the legs \u0026lt;\u0026lt;U and started well to take around.
But the idea that his legs were cardboard, and two were buried up to life in the hill was too intriguing *


How sad, eh? xD

ETA: It was a damn lucky that I have finished the first fanart of the eleventh number. If not I would have spit on Q: A

Friday, July 30, 2010

Itching Rash After Shaving

dylan_mx @ 2010-07-30T18: 56:00

stuff on the fly before you leave, just because LJ does everything possible to provoke me.

type, as well.

And Lust is happy. (And I'm happy because I designed Lust. And for the peacocks.)
(Squee But even reading the stuff of silver peacock in HP7, and xD)

Lust draw more often, especially now that it turned out Granpa! Lust and the guardian of the Sun prev! gen (from which, in short, is not straight!) and an alien sottopecie! cousin / female! Lust. (Too much crack.)

memo aside, totally disconnected from Reborn!, People who can not remember anything in the anime / manga / etc. has started a bit boring'_______________'

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Christian Wrestling Singlets


After three suffered serious I was finally able to end Robin Hood BBC ;_____;
(all tears of mourning for the fact that I finished, not for the ending, eh)

I should express my giUoia. Really, I never thought I'd come all the way xD

Then "honorable mention" to Laura, who in truth if there were she would not have finished yet, and perhaps not even started yet (and which has suffered many of my comments on the series xD).
Although now can not 'read me because it means if we could speak his mind ... At this time she would die or at least stunned to mental imbalance that led to the last episode
xD No, seriously, I need you, that nclpf (in fact you will notice that the number of smilies used is proportional to the madness)

However, for those who have not ever seen and was too lazy but curious at the same time they're sending him every Thursday night on Rete 4 D: ( that ass! )

meantime we have asked an old hat, but I flipped the brain are, therefore seem fair share (well, for both crapped crapped xD)

few months ago I was reading quietly Dylan Dog on duty and I found myself in front of these cartoons .
But you do not know the disappointment when, after the attack "We have to stop to meet so ..." is not going to end so

Well, maybe I'll be ruined momentone the touching, but lol . Totally. I could not make my mind movie.

(If you do not understand watch this video [at about 1:50])

Scans of the number 284 of Dylan Dog, which obviously does not belong to me and so on. etc.. and the manip is made by me for fun: 3

(Yes, the icon is just to stay in theme \u0026lt;3)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Gay Wedding Card Messages

dylan_mx @ 2010-07-11T17: 27:00

much stuff. All together.

have canceled a show that I was following, I divide between "one less than \\ OOO /" and that was really crackoso and I miss (because it was the only one who was following up with the 'original, by the way) and that there are fanfiction-perhaps the saddest thing.

I prompt the heading of the prompt [info] disney_ita and if nobody takes them believe that they will recycle the p0rn! Fest near future xD

Moving on to more cheerful things and spammose BIG BANG ENG REOPENS!

All info in the community [info] bigbangitalia and post private edition of 2010, here (there are already too post for entries, if you look in around and join ).
I think I will miss a bit 'last edition of the mod, but so happy that they have opened another course, I will enroll as
♥ ♥ fanartist I must say that this year I would not mind even groped quelcos'altro, but this depends on my self-preservation xD

I take this opportunity to spamming my work of last year [ post on bbi ], a fanart, the wonderful fanfiction was [info] fiorediloto and [info] sarabakanashimi , really, I suggest you read.
Mad as a Hatter Mad as a Hatter
Mad as a Hatter .

seems that in the end I was able to enroll in the course editor, so I again, finally, Photoshop. First to see if it worked I started scribbling, with questionable results, since I obviously was not born to draw your PC. And the character is questionable, since it is Yu-Gi-Oh! GX xD patience. (Forget-written scribbles dictated by the heat of the moment xD)

And we do not even like! xD

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Patriciamanterola Denudas

And it's June. They fired and AJ Cook.

Ok, it's june, it's fucking cold and it's supposed to be SUMMER.
Now, where are you hiding, my dear summer? I need you more than ever.
Real life simply goes on, I have a lot to study, I have to take these two exams and then I'm free for what..? Two weeks? Yeah. Then I've to study again, wow! I really enjoy university life. xD

CBS did the most stupid thing...they fired AJ Cook from Criminal Minds and reduced the role of Paget Brewster. Now, let's talk about this.
Isn't it just a sexist decision? To me, it sounds like that!
Why two women? Why keep only Kirsten fulltime? It is so stupid, the show will suffer this decision, I'm sure.
Fans rebel, the are petions, facebook pages, twitter hashtags against all this. Can we make the difference? I hope so!
So please, even if you don't care, could you sign the petition and join the group on Facebook? And if you are on twitter, let's trend #savetheCMladies #wesupportAJandPaget
That would help a lot! thank you!

Facebook Group:
Sign the Petition Here:

Monday, April 12, 2010

Mens Leopard Vest Like Ferris Bueller

a Mr. G on stage [and other things]

Assuming that my mental state is ultimately quite weak, that you can 'rassumere in:
Two hours of art history.
Example: "[...]
And then, boys, well ... Caravaggio was even heterosexual (emphatically) ! Ie! He was going to be with men than with women!
[...]" (pearls of wisdom of the professor of art, talking about Caravaggio)

And five minutes to transcribe past (not translated) a song with words that seem to be a random set (" Fall , get well, I call, come back here literally, what?). However

way to happier topics, such as Blacks Marcorè.

Well, having gone to see him on stage (March 25, in Milan) I had to blather on (yes, it's like an obligation towards my side of my graforroico). Even if my memory serves me heavily, and then write the main things / in case I can think of ...

trying to say that random songs did, I can not comment at all "xD
The curtain rises on the scene and there are two pianos with two wonderful women (not only of appearance) who play beautifully and Marcorè the voiceover that begins with the first occurrence : Mr. G was born .
and describe the stage is difficult for me, but imagine for a moment the black walls, with windows and doors blocked by a newspaper, and the light comes from these sheets of newspaper on the floor. There is a door "closed" even in the right corner at the bottom, with the outline of Marcorè. It breaks the Marcorè singing, with the stage, which burns.
mean, I know I suck with descriptions, and my memory has rocketed, but the effect was "Oh . Yes "And what
sings well? It interprets what well? (Yes, I have a list of things that I never expected he could do, but you do realize that I know him: for a random old TV show, "A Fistful of books" and the two imitations made by Fazio ). And his remarkable attention to drunk in the first song xD. Following
Gear and I sincerely saddened I started to applaud and wish that they had finished the first pianist to play, stfu and The coat, with the wonderful women who made the second entries and a third off. But I can not stand here and repeat that every song is good Marcorè to act and that those two were great, but do as if you were doing.
Now take a stool and places it in the middle of the stage. And a guitar fall from the sky (ok, tied by a thread, but come on, it was a ridiculous scene *_*). And he takes the mica. E. .. I did not know he knew play the guitar like that, so I dissolved during There is an air listening to him on guitar and vocals and started to worship them. It
Marcorè The smell that takes off his jacket and lie on the floor, pretending to make love was epic, but much (and the best of erotic! Marcorè to come: look:).
the end of this song from a port yet "sealed" on the right are basically thrown into a table and a club scene, that the raft of A dream in two stages , almost scary. Then part Ship , which was scenically one of my favorites. The narcissus
was fun, especially the self! Palpeggiante! Marcorè.
When I am capable of loving and The dilemma were affected. In
You can ' he was playing with the pieces of paper (this can be sexy, eh) and went to contario tapping the piano keys while she was playing (xD). This song was the first where I noticed some big changes to the text, such as saying "we say what we think about who we like and we also have reason" (as in the theater then there is the mica par condicio \u0026lt;3). A
I do not feel Italian are dead-again-and tri-handkerchief was a brilliant stuff (to clarify, there sneezing into song at the end). The song Where did I put was tragic because the chair he was sitting on began to rise, more and more and I was afraid it went down, lol.
At the end of the dropped frames with the pictures that were just glimpses of blue sky and clouds, and the last song was If there was a man .

Notes to the side: the two women were beautiful and Silvia Cucchi Vicky Schaetzinger , if interested, and the latter was mainly because in a couple of songs accompanied by accordion , but also 'one with the guitar and viola / cello *___*. Yes these two have met Marcorè more successful. (In fact, when the applause came out to a tremendous chaos and xD Marcorè ago: " Vicky's Ultra: D "), then he did, I do not know at what point, even the monologue L ' equation, that was my soundtrack while I was studying this summer to recover and we are fond of mathematics xD, I liked the arrangements ( piano, guitar, accordion ...* melts *); at one point and comes from the usual door-to-right, a giant rat (the companion party Marcorè xD) and during someone from outside the final farewell scene did bow himself (let us adore him).
I also regret to say, but Marcorè had something that did not convince me in the stage presence ... at times it was perfect, but sometimes it was as if he lost, but it should be '\u0026lt;/ criticisms> the show was wonderful and the nicest thing was a (w) (and yes, I know which probably makes him every time, but who cares?).

Okay, I tried to make and, in addition to the usual casino, I did the usual long-winded and pointless post, thank goodness there are cuts

~ PS: I dedicate fully Laura ( [info] kuroi_nezu ), details about erotic! Marcorè are all for you xD.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Can You Bring A Bong On An Airplane

Passions crazy lately

Very well, I can officially say that you have the brain in jelly. After an entire afternoon spent between wild passions newborn (read: fan fiction Sherlock Holmes and the dear Rob and Judes sbav * *) and almost 3 hours of continuous play of "All The Right Moves" by One Republic * ç * (I I'm in love this morning, after watching the video ... poor me ... but the video is great, sisi u_u), we can, waste, useless even for the environment. Yeah, I could become fertilizer for strawberries in the garden of my grandmother, but even they are so useful that I'm stoned * drools while writing relentlessly personal image, even burning the last remaining neurons *.
Sisi, Jelly Cat u_u Indeed, not even that, shoo shoo * hunting * ill cats go away hungry, there's nothing for you today!
adding the icing ... no, better strawberry, I like most UU
Well, adding the strawberry on the cake, I have a vague half-joke that I began on the PC (of course begun this afternoon, to be so great that idiocy could not fall out of something of evil, no?), obviously Scorpius / Rose * launches series of insults to fan fiction Scorpius / Lily * What chills that make me these two are simply incompatible, if the dear aunt Rowling wrote the epilogue in a certain way there is a reason ... or at least I hope ... if not centuries and centuries of Rose / Scorpius should be down the drain ç______ç
Bon, said enough nonsense for tonight * nods * more than convinced of what I have already vented high enough, it's time to go to sleep! ...
Nope, too soon ...
Oh, I'm already making bad (neuroo arrival) and I have yet to begin those small little things (are we kidding?! Will be at least twenty pages of diary pieneee Ok, maybe not twenty, but two good sisi) calls homework "Vacation" yes, really, just holidays are -.-''
Vabbuò, I'll still gazing personal image * * CCCC

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Stomach Sitting Games

"... operation will be called the boil." (Cited)

Speaking of trauma. It absolutely must be bandied about why certain things.

Following the Gay Science (which sounds like a philosophy of life, but it is not) one expects Mario Tozzi able to offset the follies of the absurd Trio or if things are out of reach, keep aside with disappointment (but still smiling, because the program is full of gaiety and ammore, as the title rightly warns). It is not expected to give three-chord crazy, because no, because those who write the program would have no reason to be so cruel ...

Instead they did an experiment on how to get rid of a pacifier.
Mario Tozzi has a pacifier to one of the Trio Medusa.

And I do not know if the worst thing is the whole or the fact that I am left without words in a soundproof omiodio nonstasuccedendodavvero ! cry mental style. It was almost worse (better? I do not know xD) when I saw the photo of DJ Jad kissing Moor, so to speak.
For the record, since a secret about this now I never will, Tozzi / Trio = OT4 * looks around and slips away nonchalantly *
(And if they continue to proclaim to the world that Tozzi is the man who makes ll'amore up sooner or later I'll believe it as if we believed we all already, sigh )

"But it is disinfected? "
" It's rigged ... "The world should

shipp with me ° _ °

Mario Tozzi did a pacifier to one of the Trio Medusa .
They could have put the warnings ...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Carmen Electra-cruise

[Valentine's Day 2010 challenge, fan fiction] The Mentalist - Jane / Lisbon

Titolo: Keep on Falling
Autore : [info] frencina , [info] faithina
Rating: G
Genre: Introspective ,
Romance Warnings: Flash!
Fic Word Count: 329
Summary: The pulled a slap on the forehead, making him jump a bit 'with fear a little' because it did not expect to be awakened so violently.
Table: Tabellini Adored
Prompt: 2. Fallin '- Alicia Keys

He had done again. Had told her a thousand times that he should not sleep there, in the office, but it just would not listen. Pulled a slap on the forehead, making him jump a little 'fear for a bit' because it did not expect to be awakened so violently.
"Lisbon. What a sweet awakening. "Joked Patrick opening his eyes and smiling as only he could do. In a second soul and mind were filled with mixed feelings Teresa, as always happens when she thought of him.
"What I told you last night?" Continued unabated, while pouting expression.
Jane put her down and stared at her smiling again, and she could not help but melt in front of him.
"What you told me last night does not really matter, what you saw going on in little head" he replied, standing up and stopping a few inches from her face, which drew back slightly, looking down.
"No more helmet, Jane. It 's your same old trick, and then finish it. "He replied finally triumphant, because he was really grateful to God that Patrick could not read in thought.
Then he gently put his hands on his hips and staring straight into my eyes, began:
"You are worried about what you feel when you're with me. Sometimes I'll fly to six thousand meters high and then fall to the ground soon after. More you feel foolish for what I'll go, but you can not stop loving me. "
Teresa shuddered, then pulled herself together and planting its blue-green eyes in those of Jane, she murmured:
" Saying that you're is a little presumptuous. Perhaps the more appropriate term is arrogant. "
At that point, Patrick left her hips and raised his hands in surrender:
"Okay, you win. Do not read minds and have a balloon "and then threw himself back to sleep on the couch. Lisbon
smiled, turned his back and walked away, without stopping to think that we had Jane got damn.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

America's Next Top Model Phtoshoots

TV Shows Meme

Here we go with a TV Shows Meme snagged from the lovely [info] babycin *.*

Name a TV show series in Which You Have Seen Every episode at least twice :
Criminal Minds, Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Name a (current) show you can't miss:
Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, Bones, Supernatural, Fringe, Lie To Me, Dollhouse.

Name an actor that would make you more inclined to watch a show:
I don't know... maybe..Shemar Moore :D okay, let's be serious...Eliza Dushku.

Name an actor who would make you less likely to watch a show:
Well, as [info] babycin  said..Sarah Michelle Gellar..

Name a show you can, and do, quote from.
Criminal Minds

Name a show you like that no one else enjoys:

Name a TV show which you've been known to sing the theme song:
Lie To Me, I love that song.

Name a show you would recommend everyone to watch:
Lie To Me!

Name a TV series you own:
Criminal Minds and The Mentalist, absolutely.

What is your favourite episode of your favourite series?
Criminal Minds - Shades of Grey (but there are a lot of episodes I love.)

A show you mean to watch, but you just haven't gotten around to yet:
CSI New York.

Ever quit watching a show because it was so bad?
Mmh, Lost and CSI Las Vegas/Miami.

Name a show you aren't interested in watching, not in the least:
Grey's Anatomy

Name a show that's made you cry multiple times:
Criminal Minds, the 100th episode was sooooo touching.

Oldest TV show you like?
The Guardian... I love it!

Newest TV show you like?
Fringe or Lie To Me, I guess.

What do you eat when you watch TV?
Nothing...Maybe coffee sometimes

How often do you watch TV?
Tv... mmh, every day, but not so much.

Do you have a favorite talk show?

What's the last TV show you watched?
The Mentalist!

What's your favourite/preferred genre of TV?

What's your least favourite genre of TV?

What was the first TV show you were obsessed with?
Buffy The Vampire Slayer

What TV show do you wish you never watched?
Mmh, Lost I think!

What's the weirdest show you enjoyed?
Weird, Fringe...Yep.

What TV show scared you the most?
I think no one scared me...Criminal Minds sometimes.

What is the funniest TV show you have ever watched?
The Nanny :D

Which do you think is the best TV series ever made?
Criminal Minds is my true love, but I think The Mentalist is really really great ;).

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Oil Furnace Heat Pump

Jane and Lisbon - Twitter Layout

Here's the first twitter layout I've ever made, dedicated to my OTP, Jane&Lisbon!


Image and video hosting by TinyPic

It works fine with resolutions as 1280 * 720 (no text version), 1280 * 800, 1280 * 1024, 1440 * 900 or higher.
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


With text
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Without text
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Friday, January 15, 2010

Listerine White Spots


I wanted to write a post full of rant, slash, nonsense and various casinos ...

instead ...


* dies * ★

What? (photo not mine)

I know you do not understand a memorial stone, but as always mentally unstable * laughs * it was expected that by the end of June ~ ~ ~

Excuse me ~

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Milky White Cerivcal Mucous

[Valentine's Day 2010 challenge, fan fiction] The Mentalist - Jane / Lisbon The Mentalist

And here is a masterpiece Jane / Lisbon written by my adoVata [info] frencina with whom he shares the table with seven notes challenge for Valentine's Day. We left rocket XD

Title: Thinking of You
Author: [info] frencina
Rating: G
Genre: Introspective, Romance
Warnings: Flash!
Fic Word Count: 322
Summary: That feeling that time Patrick has made fun of, was submitted to the bill.
Table: Tabellini Adored
Prompt: 1. This Love - Maroon 5

Sitting on the bed in this hotel room, fixed my hands together and think about when my fingers intertwined with yours. I remember the look in your eyes, your green irises spoke to me while my love, blue, and lying, deceiving making you believe you feel the same.
I, who have suffered from what has happened to me, I know exactly what it is to feel your heart breaks, I played with you, with your feelings and your love.
I'm sorry Teresa, I'm so sorry to have you once again forced to say goodbye, I played with you and making you believe in love ...
was all lies. They were, but now no longer are. Now this feeling that I made fun of so I presented the bill and it is expensive and salty ...
Because now I know that I love you truly, is no longer a game and I no longer want to say goodbye. I run to you to fix our relationship, to heal your wounds and repair your broken wings, my angel.
I jumped up, without a second thought and without hesitation to run to the elevator that will take me from you. I knock on your door without thinking that it's late, and when you come to the door with her eyes full of sleep and hair matted, inevitably smile.
"Jane, what the hell are you doing here?" I ask holding barely a yawn.
I step to you by reducing the space that separates us and take your face in my hands.
"I love Lisbon. I'm here for, "I whisper, before placing my lips on yours. I feel your body that adheres to the mine and that, slowly relaxes. Pushes you to the bed and gently, I lie down on you.
"I promise that I will make sure that everything is alright" I say, before slowly drowning in our love.