Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bulma And Vegeta Fall In Love

... The end is coming!

Ok, I know I'm not updating so much my LJ but I don't want it to die. So...Let's say I got sucked into real life but I'm so happy, and I think that's what matters.
This 2010 is coming to the end, and I really hope that 2011 is going to be great as 2010 was.

New year's resolutions:
1. Write more on my LJ
2. Lose some kilos
3. Get angry less
4. Study more
5. Be kind
6. Stop feeling disappointed for people who don't care

That's all! :D
Thanks to everyone who was there during this year, and thanks 2010 to make me meet the love of my life :P


Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Maxine Cartoon Character Author

p0rn! icons \\ o /

1 2 3
4 5 6

Take them and make it (more or less O__O) what you want.
If you want the basics (textless) via comment or ask

mp ^ ^ Oh, btw, the images are taken from the magnificent header eryslash has done for the p0rn! fest.