Saturday, September 18, 2010

Graph Rate Of Obesity In Singapore


After the first week of school \\ O / (debt I passed, however )
I started the show adorable - except that some are totally trash *___* (Although I suspect that we are serious, umh xD) including Lasko, which made me hope that the monks / friars Christian warriors become fashionable xD

AAAH ! I was going to forget! The number of 12 Graystorm ... (Oh subconscious work as fast xD) I have not read everything, sooner or later I do, eh. _. - I've read only six to seven pages in which they maintained that Jason loves Robert etc.. (Well, as if there was no need .___.) that the only thing that was worth it (though I saw a man dressed as a bird and I do not think a good thing too) and a couple of lines just to see that's what they wrote I care little or nothing.
Oh, and he called a titoletto Graystorm Evil Genius made me do a lot of laughs.